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The year is 1982 and it is late  September. Elder Raymond L. Johnson is directed by God to a little white duplex on 410 North Queen Street in Martinsburg,  West Virginia. The very first obstacle was how to purchase a building without money. It didn’t take long before Jesus started opening doors.   Elder Johnson met with Bob Lowe, a local realtor, who had the responsibility of selling the property. Jesus softened hearts and before long the building was purchased. Trinity Temple Church of God was becoming a reality.


Renovations had to take place before it could be occupied. Walls were removed to make room for pews and chairs. Elder Johnson, his wife, and two children gathered evening after evening preparing the building to become Trinity Temple Church of God.


After much work Trinity was ready to receive guests. October 10, 1982 the first service was held in the newly renovated sanctuary. On opening day ElderRaymond Johnson, Susan Johnson, Renee Johnson and Raymond Johnson, Jr. were the first members.


On November 23,1983, a little over a year later Sister Paula Allen and her family joined. As time passed the roll grew steadily. However, it wasn’t until January 6th 1986, when Jesus sent another faithful member. Sister Linda Ferguson and family cast their lot at Trinity Temple.


It took about four years before the little house was unable to satisfy the needs of the congregation. The seating capacity hindered  visitation of other churches. The pastor was compelled to find a larger sanctuary.  September 27, 1985, Trinity Temple moved to 214 North Queen Street. The size of the store front had the capability of accommodating many more people and was able to resolve the problem temporarily.

Trinity Temple's Current Location at 127 Tuskegee Drive

Three years later and a larger congregation prompted the pastor to the streets once again in search of another building. This time Jesus revealed to Elder Johnson it was time to build  a church. In the middle of the block on 127 N. Charles Street an old pool hall with a variety of structures caught the pastor’s eye. In that old structure he saw a new home for Trinity Temple Church of God. After the purchase of the property a transformation began. Members of the congregation pulled together to help with construction.  


Trinity Temple opened its doors to the public once again on November 12, 1989 at 10:00 A.M. at 127 N. Charles Street now known as 127 Tuskegee Drive.

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